Monday 3 March 2014

What a Downer.....

My company, what a Downer...

That is, Downer EDI Limited!  Phew, you're thinking....!  Only super duper excitement here.  And what will Melody's account be......?  Here goes:

Downer EDI Limited, the Downer Group, is a BIG company.  It is a provider of engineering and infastructure management services.  The company employs more than 20,000 people throughout the Australia, NZ and Asia Pacific - cough cough....... yep, say no more..... yikes!

The good news is, I could find the annual reports.  Looks to me as though it's doing quite well as the website looks schmick and it has nearly $19 million of work in hand.  Pretty clear to me that this company know what it's doing.  Or does it?

Stay tuned for my increasingly insightful blogs.......  If you want to see the schmick website, check this out -

1 comment:

  1. sound look your company is a big company and i think it is also an interesting company. honestly, i don't know about engineering stuffs. anyway, good luck with your company.
